What We Do?

Comprehensive Mental Health Services

What can we offer you?


Psychiatry Services

At Seraphim Mental Wholeness LLC, we offer a comprehensive range of mental health services tailored to your unique needs:


Mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression

Anger Management

Anger management is an approach designed to help you manage the emotional and physiological arousal that accompanies anger.


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a long-lasting disorder in which a person experiences uncontrollable and recurring thoughts (obsessions), engages in repetitive behaviors (compulsions), or both


Persistent worry, fear, or unease, impacting daily life and causing physical symptoms like restlessness and tension.


Difficulty in focus, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, hindering daily functioning and affecting attention and organization.


Extreme mood swings from manic highs to depressive lows, impacting energy, thought patterns, and behavior.


Persistent difficulty falling or staying asleep, leading to fatigue, irritability, and impaired daily functioning.

Eating Disorders

Distorted body image, unhealthy eating habits, and obsessive thoughts about food, impacting physical and mental health.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, characterized by intense flashbacks, avoidance, and hyperarousal following a traumatic event.

A good word means a lot

Patient Testimonials

We firmly believe that the most valuable recommendations come from the experiences of those
who have walked through our doors. Here are a few voices from our community…

We Provide

Telehealth Services

We provide comprehensive telehealth services, providing accessible and compassionate mental health support. Our content focuses on fostering well-being through personalized virtual sessions, promoting mental resilience and holistic healing.

We Also Provide

In person Services

Our dedicated team of psychiatrists offers personalized and compassionate care in a welcoming environment. Experience the benefits of face-to-face sessions and take a step towards your mental well-being journey with confidence.

Find out more

More Services

In addition to our core offerings, we provide a range of specialized mental health services tailored
to your unique needs. Discover the full spectrum of care we offer to support your well-being.

Depression of all types

Persistent low mood, feelings of hopelessness, and loss of interest in daily activities, affecting overall well-being.

Panic Disorder

Sudden, intense episodes of fear or panic, often accompanied by physical symptoms, causing significant distress and impairment.


Chronic mental disorder involving distorted thinking, emotions, and perceptions, often accompanied by delusions and hallucinations.


Intrusive thoughts (obsessions) leading to repetitive behaviors (compulsions) to alleviate anxiety, affecting daily life